Targets to Drive Your Practice

This past year has served as a “stress test” for businesses across the country, law firms included.

By now you should have an idea of what type of impact COVID-19 and other significant events from 2020 (natural disasters, unrest, prolonged shutdowns) had on your practice… and more specifically, your revenue.

Did you:

  • Experience a significant drop … or even periods of inconsistent revenue?

  • Struggle to shift gears and draw on other revenue streams when marketing channels like in-person seminars, referral meet-ups and community events suddenly went dry?

  • Discover areas of inefficiency and waste? Maybe your team went virtual for a bit and you realized that some of your overhead costs were excessive or unnecessary?

  • Or, did it take a crisis to realize that you are not properly staffed, your marketing is not sufficiently diversified, and you are not investing in your practice the way you should be to survive and even thrive in periods of uncertainty?

On this webinar, we will show you the exact process that we go through each year with our members that have allowed them to thrive and even grow their practices during one of the most challenging years most of us have faced in our lifetimes. 

Registrants will also receive a bonus recording of our brand-new Financial Basics training. This will provide you and your team with step-by-step instructions on how to complete some of the “homework” we’ll touch on during the webinar.

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Law Firm Financial 
Benchmarks Webinar

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Here are some member results from just this past year to prove to you that what we teach works:

  • “Revenue has passed last year, and expenses are down over $100,000.” – P.K.

  • “Had approximately $70,000 in business debt in July of 2019 and was not taking any compensation until October of 2019. By June 30, 2020, paid off 100% of the business debt, moved to a larger office, and hired some support staff.” – R.F.

  • “We’ve made a total of $109,000 in revenue in 5 months.”- N.O.

  • “We’re averaging approximately $80,000 per month since Coronavirus started. May end up having the best year to date.”- J.K.

When you plan your year out the way we teach you, you will find that hitting your numbers each and every month is more easily attainable. And you’ll learn how to watch little-known data indicators that will tell you IN ADVANCE if there are problems on the horizon so that you can quickly shift gears and correct course.

This is the foundation that our members had to lean on when the pandemic hit in early 2020.

When their offices closed, their marketing seminars were cancelled and their referral sources were no longer sending business, they were able to dig back into their New Year’s blueprint to get crystal clear on a path forward that would still allow them to meet or surpass their goals.

We are looking forward to sharing with you the process we taught these members to make these results possible.